Monday, September 27, 2010

Post-Op Update

I had my lumpectomy two weeks ago today, and went back to my surgeon this afternoon for a follow-up.  She reported that the grade, which was initially thought to be a 1 was upped to a 2, and the stage, which we expected to be a 2, was lowered to a 1. It may not sound great, but since the stage is more critical than the grade, this is actually a good thing!

On the other hand, although they successfully removed the entire tumor, and the lymph nodes and margins were clear, the pathology report indicates that the cancer cells were positive for estrogen and progesterone receptors. This was not totally unexpected.  Unfortunately, the pathology results were also positive for the HER2 receptor. If the HER2 had been negative, I could likely have gotten by with just having radiation and 5 years of taking hormone blockers.  The HER2 receptor has to be treated more aggressively, so I may have to have chemotherapy.

I have to admit that this news took me a bit by surprise.  I was growing more resigned to the idea of radiation - but was hoping to avoid chemo. I was feeling pretty optimistic about it, given my grade and stage. I may be able to do a modified chemo, without the usual side effects, but time, and the oncologists, will tell. 

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Mixed bag of news. Sending good vibes your way!

If you need someone to stay with you and take care of things (yes, even doggie things, and yes, I can even COOK--how's that for affection!?), let me know. I know Lydia's your right hand, but in case she is called away or overwhelmed, I can be there for you :O)