Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Save the date!

It's true what they say. Waiting is the hardest part -- at least so far. Although I received my MRI results on Friday and today is only Wednesday (and Monday was a holiday), it has felt like an eternity since then as I have waited to hear about a date for surgery. The wait is now over.  I am scheduled for surgery on Monday, the 13th.  Now, suddenly that feels as though it is coming too quickly!  I have lots to do over the next four days.  I have a work deadline to meet, a newsletter to create, a friend who needs a hand on Saturday, as well as finally contacting my insurance company to see what I'm up against with them, and learning what I can about the upcoming procedure.  I also have to go to the hospital tomorrow for what they call pre-anesthesia testing.  Two hours of blood work, medical history (how many times do I have to dole out my medical history at the same hospital, which is fully equipped with the latest in technology?) instructions and who knows what else.  So I had better get back to work and wrap some of these things up before Monday.  

Thanks for all the support, the offers of help (which I'm sure I will take you up on eventually), your kind thoughts and good wishes.  I will keep you posted or will have my emissary (aka Lydia) do so.


Larry Terrell said...

As far as how many times you have to give the same info to the hosp. it will be at least 10 times more than nacessary. For some place that deals in the latest in data handing they have a lot of stupid rules and repeats. Will talk to you later in the weekend.

Jennifer said...

Wishing you well. I'll be thinking of you Monday.