Thursday, September 16, 2010

The Simple Pleasures of Life

Ahhh!  Now that feels better.  I have taken a shower and washed my hair for the first time since surgery on Monday.  Sponge baths, although better than no baths, just don’t prove as satisfying as a good hot shower.  I feel like a new woman, although I look shockingly like a battered one.  Then there was the treat I received last night of M&M’s.  So simple, and so satisfying – a true comfort candy!   I came upon this quote, attributed to Charles Dickens:  "There is nothing better than a friend, unless it is a friend with chocolate."  I couldn’t agree more!  Thank heavens it was only a small bag or I might have been awake all night with sugar dreams.  As it was, I had my first night’s sleep without painkillers and I truly appreciated the absence of bizarre, exhausting dreams.

There are actually some pleasures I discovered at the hospital as well.  I wish we could adopt some of them for home use.  What a wonderful thing it is to be wrapped in a warmed blanket. They are so cozy, and I like being all tucked into one, almost like a mummy.  No claustrophobia here.  In addition, I was introduced to a new kind of hospital gown, the “Bair Paws” warming gown.  It has two layers, with a flannel-like lining.  There are ports in the gown into which you can connect the warming unit – a device that is reminiscent of the old home-style bonnet hair dryers with hoses!  The hose from the unit connects to the gown through the port and fills the gown with warm air.  It was a wonderful comfort in the cool air of the pre-op area, and I would welcome it during the winter when the house is a little cooler than I’d like.

So for the moment, the secrets to immersing oneself in the simple pleasures of life are:  1. Good friends and family, 2. Good friends with chocolate, and 3. Warmth, whether from good friends, or warm blankets and gowns!  I couldn’t ask for anything more these days!

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