Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Half The Wait Is Over

Yesterday morning I finally got one of the two calls I have been waiting for.  Of course, it came when I was in the shower.  I emerged to find a message from the radiation oncologist's office, calling to schedule an appointment. I called back immediately and got the scheduler's voice mail.  Argh.  I was anxious to get this appointment on the books, and feared we would play a continuing game of phone tag. I was preparing to go to work, so I left both my home and cell numbers and my schedule, hoping to insure a connection.  However, in my recent experience I have found that no matter how many phone numbers I leave, people making appointments tend to use the first one they were given.  So, in a somewhat pessimistic frame of mind, I was sure we would continue to miss one another.  Fortunately I was wrong.  A nice bubbly young woman called back before I left the house. We set an appointment for October 21st.  She was most apologetic that it wasn't sooner and explained that they are completely booked until then.  This seems in keeping with the fact that more than a few people have told me that several friends and acquaintances have been diagnosed with breast cancer recently. One person told me that I was the fifth person she knew of to be diagnosed within a month of one another. It seems to be an epidemic.

There was a lot of noise in the background when I spoke with the scheduler, including two interruptions of cheers and applause. She explained that the cheers were for patients receiving their last rounds of radiation treatment, and they were joined by friends and family to celebrate the event.  Although that's not my style, it was heartwarming to hear.  Also, encouraging to see the light at the end of the tunnel before I even enter it.  Now, if I would only get that call from the medical oncologist's office...  

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