Sunday, February 27, 2011

Preparing for the Final Round of Chemo

I sit here writing this through a veil of tears.  Not emotional tears -- just the overflow of tears from having clogged tear ducts.  I finally gave up the notion that this problem would resolve on its own, as it has after previous bouts. I guess my tear ducts are more clogged than before, perhaps from the cumulative effects of the chemo. So, on Friday I gave up and called my oncology nurse to see what she suggested. Apparently, this is a more common problem than the literature I’ve referred to suggests. The nurse told me that they can refer me to an ophthalmologist at the cancer center, who will do a procedure to open up the tear ducts. Although I don’t generally like any procedures having to do with eyes (mine or anyone else's), I am looking forward to this one, because this is one of the greatest nuisances I’ve endured since my cancer treatment began. 

In any event, tomorrow is my last round of chemo (fingers crossed it’s a go) and I look forward to having it behind me. Today, I am doing a few of the usual things to prepare. I’m working on a list of questions to discuss with the doctor about what to expect over the next few weeks.  I’m drinking a lot of water, have upped my fiber intake a bit – although I’ve found that this is a balancing act, so I’m not going overboard, and I have just cooked up a batch of Apple Mash as both a treat and a treatment should the often present side-effect of constipation become an issue. Even if it doesn’t, this is a great dessert, especially with a little vanilla ice cream served with it, and when the taste buds go south, as they always do after treatment, I add a good drizzle of maple syrup to enhance the flavor. (This could be why I've managed to put on weight, rather than lose it over the past 18 weeks -- or the weight gain could have something to do with the steroids I take for a week during and after chemo!)  Here’s the recipe in case you want to try it:

Apple Mash

2 lbs. apples, cut in large chunks (I like to use granny smiths)
½ cup apple cider
¼ cup raisins (I like golden)
¼ cup sugar (I tried dark brown this time – it’s a good addition)
¼ cup cinnamon (I use a little less)

Mix all in a 3-quart saucepan.  Heat to boiling over medium-high.  Reduce the heat to low.  Simmer 15 minutes or until very tender.  (I cook it at least 30 minutes – sometimes more) Mash coarsely with a potato masher.

Other than that, things are pretty much routine around here.  I will have labs at 11:00 tomorrow morning, meet with the doctor at 11:40, and, with any luck, will head into treatment at 12:30.  I should be done with my final chemo by 5:30 or 6:00, and then it’s home to relax and let this last round do its work, causing one last cycle of side effects before my body can start to regroup and gradually make its way back to normal!  

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